إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق


4.0 ( 8640 ratings )
المطور: Tim Broddin
3.99 USD

txt.edit is the simple text editor thats been missing in iOS and iPadOS.


• Open and save files stored on your iPad, iCloud or any connected service

• Supports syntax highlighting for 191 languages (see below for a complete list)

• Comes with 242 beautiful themes


1c, abnf, accesslog, actionscript, ada, angelscript, apache, applescript, arcade, arduino, armasm, xml, asciidoc, aspectj, autohotkey, autoit, avrasm, awk, axapta, bash, basic, bnf, brainfuck, c, cal, capnproto, ceylon, clean, clojure, clojure-repl, cmake, coffeescript, coq, cos, cpp, crmsh, crystal, csharp, csp, css, d, markdown, dart, delphi, diff, django, dns, dockerfile, dos, dsconfig, dts, dust, ebnf, elixir, elm, ruby, erb, erlang-repl, erlang, excel, fix, flix, fortran, fsharp, gams, gauss, gcode, gherkin, glsl, gml, go, golo, gradle, groovy, haml, handlebars, haskell, haxe, hsp, http, hy, inform7, ini, irpf90, isbl, java, javascript, jboss-cli, json, julia, julia-repl, kotlin, lasso, latex, ldif, leaf, less, lisp, livecodeserver, livescript, llvm, lsl, lua, makefile, mathematica, matlab, maxima, mel, mercury, mipsasm, mizar, perl, mojolicious, monkey, moonscript, n1ql, nestedtext, nginx, nim, nix, node-repl, nsis, objectivec, ocaml, openscad, oxygene, parser3, pf, pgsql, php, php-template, plaintext, pony, powershell, processing, profile, prolog, properties, protobuf, puppet, purebasic, python, python-repl, q, qml, r, reasonml, rib, roboconf, routeros, rsl, ruleslanguage, rust, sas, scala, scheme, scilab, scss, shell, smali, smalltalk, sml, sqf, sql, stan, stata, step21, stylus, subunit, swift, taggerscript, yaml, tap, tcl, thrift, tp, twig, typescript, vala, vbnet, vbscript, vbscript-html, verilog, vhdl, vim, wasm, wren, x86asm, xl, xquery, zephir